Mall Mission
Inspired By The Last of Us
Story Overview
Joel and Ellie, who are now in Pittsburg, have been traveling for a while and are low on supplies. They determine that their best and safest route is through the mall. Every other route seems blocked off.
Get past the heavy unseen artillery and through the mall to the bridge across the river directly on the other side.
Beat 1
The mall parking lot top floor has some extremely heavy armor-piercing artillery. The kind that equal instant death since there would be no cover the bullets can’t pierce. Their best bet is not to be seen at all. Joel believes that the top floor is only occupied because it is a great lookout place to monitor city movements and that the mall will be unoccupied. Considering their condition and need to get to the bridge on the other side without any more trouble it’s worth the risk of sneaking past a few guards.
Beat 2
Once they are inside the flooded mall the pace slows a bit. Before they can proceed too far Joel has to swim in parts of the flooded 1st-floor opening to find a wood pallet for Ellie to stand on. After this, there are moments where Ellie makes comments on various girly items throughout their walk to indicate how much of being a normal girl she missed out on having grown up in this apocalyptic environment. She could try some pink hats on and make fun of them. Joel might even laugh a little to show that they are continuing to build rapport.
Beat 3
We are headed to a department store (in the US they are larger stores like Macy’s). There we bump into a few more enemy characters who are trying to kill us. These guys we fight to escape the mall.
Gameplay Overview
The mechanics are the same as those in the first Last of Us. Yellow is used to indicate where a player can go or light colors where they can climb.
The outside is normal daylight. Inside the mall, it is eerily quiet. The air is dusty and as most locations, it feels like it has been abandoned for years.